Hey guy's. Recentley valve announced on the steam website that there is going to be a new version of steam. Now there is tons of hype about this. Some cool features include
-Guest Passes
( If you own a game you can give away 3 day trial guest passes to friends, it activates when ever they choose )
-Favourite Games List
( If your like me and own to many steam games you can choose which ones are your favourties )
-BackGround Updating
( Instead of waiting for the update before you can go play steam games e.g Half life, steam can download updated whilst your busy doing other stuff like playing a game )
-The New Look
(ok there look's to be a couple of new skins, personally i think Flat Ice looks awesome! )
I'm really excited about this, but the guest passes worries me. Say somone buys an account then they send tons of trials out to hackers. That means you have 3 day's of mayhem and because there on tempoary accounts.................
head over to http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=coming_soon for more details!
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