Sunday, January 7, 2007
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Agloco, yes we all should get a slice of the pie?

Hey guy's what's up? Recently off watching and listening podcasts of i came across .... what is it? Well they believe in one simpe but radical notion. Everyone deserves to make money from the internet. Google aquired youtube for 1.6 billion dollars. But what did they get? A site full of TONS of content. And by ton's i mean breaking the record books baby. Now who got that money? Guess? Not the people who made all that content.
Agloco is about to release there view bar software, which will be a bar incorperated into ie and firefox and the bottom of the window. Bascialy it gathers information and has a little ad. Now i've looked at the screenshot's and don't worry it's not annoying.
Now you say to yourself? How do you get money? Well, you get money for doing what you always do, browse the internet? Yep that's right incredibly simple. See now let me break into the referal system. You reffer people and they use the veiw bar software they get hours and you get paid more for that. Now if they reffer people and they browse you get money for that to, and if they reffer people you get money. So on and so on, bascialy you need to build a HUGE network.
Well at the time of writing this i currently have 3 referals. Oh and im walking somone through the sign up on msn. Now these people plan to reffer more and more people. All you need is maybey 20 referals then go to sleep? yep really cool. I suggest all you people who read my blog ( i hope there is people ) To check out Agloco. Oh yeah visit my link.
Another New Version Of Steam!
Hey guy's. Recentley valve announced on the steam website that there is going to be a new version of steam. Now there is tons of hype about this. Some cool features include
-Guest Passes
( If you own a game you can give away 3 day trial guest passes to friends, it activates when ever they choose )
-Favourite Games List
( If your like me and own to many steam games you can choose which ones are your favourties )
-BackGround Updating
( Instead of waiting for the update before you can go play steam games e.g Half life, steam can download updated whilst your busy doing other stuff like playing a game )
-The New Look
(ok there look's to be a couple of new skins, personally i think Flat Ice looks awesome! )
I'm really excited about this, but the guest passes worries me. Say somone buys an account then they send tons of trials out to hackers. That means you have 3 day's of mayhem and because there on tempoary accounts.................
head over to for more details!
Osama is actually spelt Usama?
Well, on the internet commonly, oh and including counters trike. You see lot's of people spell Usama Osama? Well thats just a mispelling of his ruddy name. Maybey we should have an Usama awareness day. You know show the world his real spelling lmao. oh well i found this myself and i thought it was cool. ( Picture from there and Source :D )
Adsense Application!
hey guy's whats up? Today i put forward my application to google adsense. Yeah it'd be nice to get in. Earn a little bit of money prehaps. I hope i get in.
Lot's of websites and blogs around the world are making end's meat from google ads or yahoo ads. Well i'm jumping on the band wagon.
Lot's of websites and blogs around the world are making end's meat from google ads or yahoo ads. Well i'm jumping on the band wagon.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Gorillaz CD Reveiw :D
Alright i recently bought a cd from dirt cheap cd's. .
Well 2 cd's but the cd i'm talking about is Demon Days - Gorillaz . Now i bought this CD For $10 Australia which is like maybey $7.50 american?
Well anyway it was really worth the value. I mean jesus it's a great album. I'd have to say i really enjoy track.3 Kids with guns, track.6 feel good inc. and track.13 Fire Coming out of the monkeys head.
The cd came in perfect condition all orginal and such. The booklet has some intersting artwork but to my dismay it did not come with lyrics.
Overall for the price the album was great. I really like the music but i dislike some of the rap in some of the songs. For $7.50 USD it was a great buy. But then again everyone's gonna say this now i'd like to mention RIAA Please Don't fuck me up. Most peopel will go off and dowload it off limewire or kazza but i really suggest you guys buy it.
The Playstation 3 Looks so dreamy
Hey guy's time for me to rant on about how AWESOME the play station 3. Well no i don't own one, but i think i'd really like to. When they get released in march in Australia i MIGHT buy 60gb one straight away.
Now let's get down to it. It's actually the cheapest blue-ray disc reader on the market? According to C.NET Tv all the others cost nearly or over double it's price. So well thats one thing that's sold me. Now the controllers everyone thought the controllers were going to look fucking ugly. Like bloody boomerangs. Well yes you can get them but you can also get controllers that look like the exact orginal one's except that have wifi features.
And that's not all you how the wii's biggest marketing punch was the abillity to jump around a room with a wii controller? Well in the ps3 you can use the wireless controller as a steering wheel! I'm sure like every playstation console they will have playstation gun's realeasd soon.
8 wireless controllers can be active at one time. ( Hahah time for awesome Parties ). Now down to the games what games am i looking forward to? Well unreal tournament 2007 is going to be the first game i buy. Also untold legends dark kingdom look's very promissing.
Free Steam Project Cafe Client 5.2
Hi everyone, this is my first proper post. I'd like to say g'day to everyone out there including everyone on the free steam forums.
I got sent to the freesteam website by a friend. Well actually he wouldn't tell me the link he kept it to himself but i found it out :D .
I was intersted in how this whole thing worked? Well Eddy K and some other guy's at decided to make a client were people could play and download a large percentage of steam games for free. The downside being that more then one person can log into the same cafe account at a time. Which mean you will be disconnected. Still you can generally log on ok an play for a decent amount of time. If you donate $10 you get acesse to your own personal cafe accounts as well as other BETTER tools. ( I'm not gonna leak anything here but it's very much worth it )
So if you yearn to play steam games for free online on vac2 secured servers head on over to :D I really suggest you buy ViP!
I got sent to the freesteam website by a friend. Well actually he wouldn't tell me the link he kept it to himself but i found it out :D .
So if you yearn to play steam games for free online on vac2 secured servers head on over to :D I really suggest you buy ViP!
The First Blog, The Welcome post!
Hi guy's my online alias i use is Nofan. I enjoy playing online games and hanging out with mates. I'm 14 years old and i live in australia. I've decided to blog lots of stuff, personal, gaming related secruity news and intersting stuff. I hope to post at least twice to thrice a day but at least once will make me happy.
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